The blog posted by Americans Pushing the Debt, title “Immigration: Is This Our Country or Not?” is regarding the a few advantages and disadvantages of immigration, which is a huge battle and debate for our country. The author has the audience think of the possibilities that immigrants could out grown our country. The author does a great job with a breakdown of facts for both sides and is not opinionated as to what side the author favors. As it was stated that an estimated 11.5 million illegal immigrants living in our country in 2011 but it is projected by the Center for Immigration Studies, the population of the United States is expected to increase by 167 million by 2060. I agree with the fact that illegal immigrants do take the low paying job, such as food service and hotel cleaning that most Americans do not want due to low pay. Others say immigrants are taking jobs away from less-skilled American citizens which also lead Americans to compete for jobs with the immigrants. Also, the picture can not be completely perfect of having illegal immigrants in our country. The author states over crowding, disease being brought over and the financial support placed on Americans to foot the bill and this is true. Immigrants do take up a large amount of government resources without paying taxes or low tax rates. The author could have mentioned the opportunity for terrorists and drug dealers. Most illegal drug activity does come from Central and South America and we can not forget the history making, 9/11. There are some rotten apples in the bunch but it does not necessarily mean every immigrant coming into our country is out to harm us. Illegal immigrants come to our country for a better life and opportunity to make something of themselves and for their families.
About Me

- Hit or Miss
- Austin, Texas, United States
- I have no political experience. My valuable time is dedicated to my family and career in order to survive in the beastly world we live in. However, I do watch the news and able to comprehend some of this government goo. Perhaps I could be more knowledgeable of the subject matter and enrolling in United States Government class, which I must receive credit for in order to move towards my career goal could possibly help me understand our government, exactly how it functions and the opinions or views in others in the world.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Friday, November 30, 2012
Mandatory Drug Testing To Receive Welfare Benefits
The welfare programs in the states are here to assist those
who are temporary down on their luck and unable to provide financially for
themselves and their families. Yet,
there are those who abuse the benefits by purchasing drug with their benefits
and as a result, many states are working on mandatory drug testing to receive
welfare benefits.
Many people agree with drug testing and feel if they must
take a drug test to gain and maintain employment, why should welfare recipients
be any different. Drug testing will
reveal recipients who are wasting taxpayer’s money. Of course some will say it is
unconstitutional because it violates their 4th Amendment right of
the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against
unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants
shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and
particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to
be seized. No one hears the people complaining
how it is unconstitutional taking drug test for employment. Those individuals want a job and the
income. For those who fail a drug test
and become ineligible for assistance, their family will suffer without the help. The blame can be placed on the parent for
that. The parent should think about
their family first but then again, a druggie make rational choices. It sound mean to make children suffer but a
plan of action can be placed by having the welfare drug user go into a
rehabilitation center or substance abuse class to keep the assistance. The cost of testing is another factor which
taxpayers or states would have to foot the bill for it. Paying for months or years of assistance
compared to a drug test is financial difference but taxpayer would be better
off paying for a failing test than for supporting a drug user.
Welfare should be made available in
the United States; however it should be given to people who deserve it and who
can be effective people in the workforce.
The government will not be able to screen every welfare recipient, but
an easy way to weed out the people abusing the welfare system is to find the
drug users and addicts.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Commentary – “No To Obamacare”
In a recent blog titled "No To Obamacare", published on Hill Country Politics, Hutson expresses her opinion of “Obamacare” and shared her experience with her healthcare provider. Hutson does give a little insight of her journey with doctor visits as well as the traveling she encountered for chemotherapy treatments she received during her battle with cancer. Hutson could have given more examples of either how her health insurance is not working for her or data from a survey reflecting how health care affects others, like herself. I am sure Hutson is not the only person who feels this way towards health care. I do have to disagree with her statement regarding doctors not wanting to deal with the insurance paperwork. Doctors and others who provide medical treatments have a staff or medical billing section to handle the task of insurance paperwork. Therefore, doctors are able to practice medicine. I have been fortunate to have one of the best healthcare insurance plans from my employer even though I have to choose my doctors from a “network”. In any case regarding my health, I am in control and if I do not approve of the doctor I selected or treatments, I have the option to go elsewhere. I believe ever person with insurance has the same option as well.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Against The Odds - Oral Contraceptives
Examine what
the world coming to when our president and government is mandating oral
contraceptives to be part of the preventative medicine in health care plans. There are better means of making other drugs
or treatment free of charge than preventing future pregnancies.
is not an ill ridden disease and sex is not a deadly medical emergency. Our minds wonder why the president and the
government express concern over the importance to support free birth control
pills to insulin or medical equipment.
They are just giving the green light to have tons of sex and no
baby. The citizens of the United States
should not have to fund their promiscuous lives.
needs to happen with our health care is helping those who need high blood pressure
medication, insulin for their diabetics’ needs or chemotherapy for cancer
patients. These are the things that
count because people can actually die without those types of medications and
are costly. A cancer patient will be
more grateful for a free chemotherapy session to kill the cancer cells that
consume their body. I seriously doubt
some young adult will die because she did not have sex or did not receive her
dose of birth control pills. President
Obama and the government seem concern that Horny Helen does not run out of
birth control pills before she hits a fraternity house for a night of boozing
and sex. If that is their main concern,
then the ill citizens of our county are in deep water.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Blame Game On Single Parents For Gun Violence
On October 17, 2012
Wendy Fontaine posted a blog in The Blog in The Huffington Post titled, “Why Mitt Can’t Blame Us Single Parents for Gun Violence”. Her blog is about last night’s presidential
debate where presidential candidate, Mitt Romney suggested single parents is
the reason for gun violence in the United States when a member of the audience asked
the candidates about keeping assault weapons off the streets. The audience is single parents of
The argument
Fontaine tries to address is that single parents are not the problem of gun
violence in United States and believes other single parents share the same view
as her. The blame should not be targeted
solely on single parents. As a single
parent, Fontaine disagrees with Romney’s theory. Fontaine states blame can be placed on
married parents too as her gives examples such as the assault on Arizona
Congresswoman and the shooting in the Colorado movie theater which were taken
on from single men with no children.
Another example used was the Columbine High School massacre was taken on
by two male students who were raised by their married parents and President
Obama was also raised by his single mother which he is now the president. Fontaine expresses her way of parenting her
six year old child and comes off as a wonderful and caring parent as well as
her tiresome single parent label, as if it a bad thing. The only fault I find in Fontaine’s blog is
she has only been a parent for six years and in that time frame cannot speak
from experience or should not be insulted by Romney’s suggestion. Overall, Fontaine does a great job bringing
facts to the table to stand up for single parents who have raised their children
to adulthood without bringing guns to the street.
If I had the chance
to address Romney’s generalization face to face, I would let him know I was at
one time a single parent raising a daughter without government or public
assistance. I can say I raised one hell
of a daughter who was not running the streets while growing up with a gun in
her hand or became a teenage pregnancy statistic. My daughter received a high school diploma, is
a certified pharmacy technician, and now back in school to become a pediatrician
while employed with a government agency.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Paid Family Leave in the United States
On October
2, 2012, USA Today published an article “U.S. Needs Paid Family Leave” written
by Duncan Black. In his article, he
discusses how the United States should have paid parental leave not only
working moms but working fathers as he discovered during a trip to Sweden.
I believe Mr.
Black intended audience is targeted at new parents, soon-to-be parents and
future parents as he mentions the “gender equity in the workplace and at home”. As Mr. Black supports the paid parental leave,
he believes it affects the parents jobs and paychecks if not in place. As a
parent, I disagree with Mr. Black’s opinion because the Federal Family and
Medical Leave Act exist for parents.
Employers would not fire an employee based on a birth of a child and the
need to care for an infant. This is why
the leave act exist. I am fortunate to
work for the government which has sick and vacation time for me to accrue and
use during my absence. Mr. Black
mentions people who choose not have children or unable for whatever reasons but
states it part of life and newbie parents should receive a paycheck. It is a choice to become parents or not, but
those people who do not or never will have children will not benefit from this
leave. The government should not adopt
the paid leave regardless of who it will benefit. I would leave it to the employer to make the
call of such leave. Mr. Black does not
have children and should not speak of something he has no knowledge of.
Friday, September 21, 2012
September 17, 2012
On September 16, 2012, Fox posted a news article by Elizabeth Prann regarding the Federal Prison Industries intercepting work for their prisoners from the hard working American people who produced military uniforms, only to add more citizens to the unemployment lines.
The government is taking away jobs from law obeying citizen to have the done work in prisons by prisoners who are in there for federal offenses. The government claims even with the 15% cost increase per uniform to be produced in prison who help these cons later in society as reducing the impact of them committing another crime and prepare them for society. The government states it is a law for this situation as they have “first dibs” for work productivity in the prison system. The government is being blinded or does not care if the unemployment lines will increase as well as the rise in government assistance.
I find this article of interest because of the way the federal government is not thinking about their citizens, only their prisoners. It shows they rather not assist in securing employment for the outside world but rather behind prison walls.
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