The blog posted by Americans Pushing the Debt, title “Immigration: Is This Our Country or Not?” is regarding the a few advantages and disadvantages of immigration, which is a huge battle and debate for our country. The author has the audience think of the possibilities that immigrants could out grown our country. The author does a great job with a breakdown of facts for both sides and is not opinionated as to what side the author favors. As it was stated that an estimated 11.5 million illegal immigrants living in our country in 2011 but it is projected by the Center for Immigration Studies, the population of the United States is expected to increase by 167 million by 2060. I agree with the fact that illegal immigrants do take the low paying job, such as food service and hotel cleaning that most Americans do not want due to low pay. Others say immigrants are taking jobs away from less-skilled American citizens which also lead Americans to compete for jobs with the immigrants. Also, the picture can not be completely perfect of having illegal immigrants in our country. The author states over crowding, disease being brought over and the financial support placed on Americans to foot the bill and this is true. Immigrants do take up a large amount of government resources without paying taxes or low tax rates. The author could have mentioned the opportunity for terrorists and drug dealers. Most illegal drug activity does come from Central and South America and we can not forget the history making, 9/11. There are some rotten apples in the bunch but it does not necessarily mean every immigrant coming into our country is out to harm us. Illegal immigrants come to our country for a better life and opportunity to make something of themselves and for their families.
About Me

- Hit or Miss
- Austin, Texas, United States
- I have no political experience. My valuable time is dedicated to my family and career in order to survive in the beastly world we live in. However, I do watch the news and able to comprehend some of this government goo. Perhaps I could be more knowledgeable of the subject matter and enrolling in United States Government class, which I must receive credit for in order to move towards my career goal could possibly help me understand our government, exactly how it functions and the opinions or views in others in the world.